Monday, October 21, 2024

ILV Coffee Talk

The Institute for Liberal Values (ILV) is a community of people committed to the free exchange of ideas. I have known it primarily through the involvement of my spouse, a librarian who is a champion of free expression and an expert on obstacles to it.

I am very pleased that ILV has asked me to participate in a few different activities this year. One of them is simply an opportunity for me to talk about the story of coffee and some of its implications. Our Coffee Talk session is streaming today -- Monday, October 21 -- at 7 pm Eastern Time on YouTube.

You can view the slides I used in this presentation in order to follow links that I referenced. You can watch the event recording (47m) on the ILV YouTube channel.


During the presentation, I mentioned the 2006 film Black Gold: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, and that it depicts a jarring contrast between the prosperous coffee industry and the growers who supply it. I mentioned that it also provides some insight into the workings of commodity markets, but the ILV audience may have been interested to know that the film goes a bit further -- it goes inside a meeting of the World Trade Organization to show how the imbalance between producers and consumers is maintained. I discuss this movie and the film The Girl in the Café in Cups and Summits, a 2012 post on my main blog. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Cape Verde Climate Leadership: Unlocking Potential

I am honored to be part of this summer's leadership program for Cape Verdean young professionals, which is hosted by the Pedro Pires Institute for Cape Verdean Studies. Participants are spending time at both branches of the Institute -- here at Bridgewater State University and also at the Universidade de Cabo Verde in Praia. 

Today's program will begin with a discussion of role of Cape Verde (Cabo Verde) in climate change. We will then visit a few sites in Brockton, originally part of Bridgewater and now our nearest gateway city. We will do this for two reasons: first to discuss some examples of environmental matters generally and second to give the visitors some experience in what many call the Eleventh Island of Cape Verde. Everybody in their archipelago knows somebody who has migrated to Brockton.

Instituto Pedro Pires para a Liderança 

In addition to the slides above, I prepared a short video about a family story we call the Christmas Miracle. It is about the connection between Cape Verde and Brockton. (Note: the CC button in YouTube works pretty well for those viewers who might not fully understand my speaking.)

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Humacao to Amazônia

Humacao to Amazônia is a guest lecture I am giving for a combined session of my course on Latin America and my colleague Professor Harris' course on environmental regulations. The slides are offered here for students who wish to follow up on some of the links mentioned in the presentation.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Café no Fogo

NEW: All of my photos from this travel course in one annotated slide show!

After years of preparation and planning, I am leading a travel course on the island of Fogo, Cape Verde -- about 300 miles west of the westernmost point of mainland Africa. Among the island's many fascinating distinctions, it is the only place in the world -- as far as this Coffee Maven knows -- that produces coffee inside an active volcano. This does not mean that the beans are lava-roasted, but it does mean that the farms are in locations that might be displaced at any time by volcanic activity.

On this journey -- jointly sponsored by the Pedro Pires Institute for Cape Verdean Studies, the Department of Geography, and the Office of Study Abroad -- undergraduate and graduate students are doing what I most love to do: using geography to understand coffee and using coffee to understand geography. Our travel is also hosted and supported by the national government, the Universidad do Cabo Verde, and the three municipalities of the island: Mosteiros, São Felipe, and Santa Catarina. 

After a very warm welcome from the municipal authorities in São Felipe, we toured the entire island before revisiting each community. Our first in-depth visit is in Mosteiros, the producer of the island's famous coffee. There we are both learning about the local coffeelands and coffee producers and bringing some perspectives from the wider world of coffee. In fact, this post serves in part to provide a convenient link to some of the images we will be sharing during our visit to the Museu do Café.

(Note that the title of the course is represented on the town seal of Mosteiros!)

From the Coffee Maven's too-big trove of imagery, I have selected a few images to begin the discussion around two questions -- Café De Onde - Café Para Onde.

Finally, I include here a link to the amazing work of Carolyn King, a Cape Verde-American graduate student on this course who described her work on a fascinating museum installation on the connections between Cape Cod and Cape Verde. We can also view the exhibit itself at WHOI Seagrant.